Video Cases Title

Continuing Medical Education - Quiz 2

1. For primary care physicians…

2. Medicaid waivers…

3. Treatment options for autism…

4. Intensive early intervention has…

5. The areas of difficulty in autism include…

6. Cultural differences in children with autism…

7. About their child’s development and behavior…

8. Some conditions that might be associated with autism include...

9. Examples of repetitive behaviors among children with autism include…

10. Language delays may not be as severe in children with…

11. Identify the myth about social problems that children with autism might have.

12. The MMR vaccine...

13. Autism spectrum disorders include...

14. The prevalence of autism may be as much as...

15. Myths about children with autism include...

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Treatment Centers

Sixty-one university-based centers are in a unique position to facilitate the flow of disability-related information between community and university.

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Jeff, Age 35