Articles Title

CATCH Medical Home Planning Grants

For the 14th consecutive year, the American Academy of Pediatrics is offering pediatricians an opportunity to put their ideas into action by taking advantage of the funding available through the CATCH Program. The CATCH mission and the focus of the Planning Funds grants are to enable pediatricians to plan innovative community-based child health initiatives that increase access to medical homes or specific health services not otherwise available. A pediatrician must lead the project and be involved in the proposal development and project activities.

CATCH Planning Funds grants are awarded in amounts from $2,500 to $12,000 on a competitive basis for planning activities such as needs assessments and community asset mapping, feasibility studies, community coalition/collaboration meetings, focus groups, and development of grant proposals for project implementation after the planning phase is complete. Priority is given to projects that will be serving communities with the greatest health disparities.

CATCH Resident Funds grants are limited to a maximum of $3,000. Resident grant projects must include planning activities, but also may include some implementation activities. A pediatric resident must lead the project and be involved in the proposal development and project activities.

Join more than 850 pediatricians who, through their CATCH projects, have learned that local child health problems can be solved locally, often using local resources.

Note: Applications will be available online only.
Please direct questions to:
Kathy Kocvara
CATCH Program Coordinator
Telephone: 847/434-7632

CATCH Project Archive
The AAP developed a grant/project database that archives previously funded Community Pediatrics grant projects, including those funded through the CATCH Program, the Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program, the Community Pediatrics Training Initiative and the Healthy People 2010 Chapter Grants. The database is searchable by seven major categories: target population, health topic, state/territory, project activity, AAP program, AAP district, and project year. By searching this database through the Member Center, you can obtain contact information of the grantees.

Previously Awarded CATCH Medical Home Grants

2000-2001 CATCH Medical Home Grants
2001-2002 CATCH Medical Home Grants
2002-2003 CATCH Medical Home Grants
2003-2004 CATCH Medical Home Grants
2004-2005 CATCH Medical Home Grants
2005-2006 CATCH Medical Home Grants

Archived Teleconferences:
"Sustainability and Funding" (March 23, 2005)
"Evaluating Community-based Programs" (May 3, 2005)


Funding Section Photo
Medicaid/Medicare Info

Contact information and descriptions for Home- and Community-Based Services Waivers in each state.

Funding Video Case Photo
Ryan, Age 23